Friday, March 31, 2017

Save the Bees

     Every year in April, Earth Day is celebrated globally to raise environmental awareness and inspire individuals to take action in defense of environmental protection. The Earth is our most precious asset and Legler Orthodontics believes it is imperative to take care of it! While there are thousands of different ways to help protect our planet, we hope to educate and motivate the people of our community on an issue we find concerning.
     For the first time in United States history, the bumble bee species has officially been declared ENDANGERED. Over the past two decades, the United States once thriving bee population has plunged nearly 90 %. Speaking of statistics, according to USA Today, 90 % of our food supply is based on nearly 100 different crop species out of which, 70% require bees for pollination. In simpler terms, bumblebees are considered one of the most important species because 1/3 of crops worldwide need pollination. To put this in perspective, Rebecca Riley of the Natural Resources Defense Council stated that “One of out of every 3 bites of food you eat has been helped along in some way by bees.” Although scientists don’t know the specific reason for the decline in the bee’s population, they suspect loss of habitat, diseases, parasites, pesticides and climate change pose most serious threats.
     However, don’t fret! It is not too late to help these incredible mini-workers and we can make a difference. Here are 10 ways to take action and save the bees!

1.       Plant bee-friendly flowers and herbs in your garden or backyard.
a.       Always avoid chemically treating your flowers.
b.       Plant plenty of the same type of bloom, bees LOVE a high volume of plants to forage.
2.       Weeds are a GOOD thing!
a.       Wildflowers (many classify as weeds) are some of the most important food sources for bees.
3.       NEVER use chemicals or pesticides to treat your lawn or garden.
a.       This causes damage to the honeybee system and is one of the major causes of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder).
4.       Purchase LOCAL RAW honey
a.       Raw means NO chemicals.
b.       At the grocery store always read the labels and try to support local.
c.       A great place to purchase raw local honey is at your farmer’s market
5.       Bees get thirsty too!
a.       Put a small basin of water like a bird feeder outside of your home so our precious bees can quench their thirst.

6.       Buy LOCAL ORGANIC food from a farmer that you know.
a.       A huge challenge for bee keepers is to keep their bees in an area where there is no chemicals. Local organically grown food is chemical FREE.
7.       Learn to be an “at home” bee keeper with sustainable practices.
a.       Educate yourself on natural approaches in your community.
8.       Bees are NOT out there to sting you!
a.       Honeybees are vegetarians and are not interested in stinging humans.
b.       These little workers are only there to forage pollen and nectar from flowers up to 3 miles, to and from their hive.
c.       Keep out of their way!
9.       Share these solutions with others in your community!
10.   Let Congress know what you think.

#SavetheBees #BringBacktheBees #HelptheBees #SharetheBuzz #Bees #Pollinators

Throughout the Month of April, Legler Orthodontics will hand out Wildflower Seed baggies to our patients interested in helping save the bees. We encourage everyone to post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter planting their seeds, the growth of the Wildflowers and the arrival of the bees. Happy Earth Day 2017! 
Here is a video at the Bee Ring in Vero Beach Florida. To find out more check out their site at